Who We Are

Welcome to The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist. Our mission is to provide a vibrant space in which community can form to worship, grow in faith, and be challenged to respond to the needs of others in the community and in the world.

Statement of Welcome

St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church is an affirming and inclusive Christian community. Our members and leaders strive through love, worship and service to welcome all people just as God created them. No matter where you are on your journey of faith, our welcome knows no boundaries of age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, or economic condition. We believe that God delights in the diversity of creation and so do we!

The St. John's community is joyful, welcoming, and inclusive. Members of the congregation are diverse in age and background. We gather weekly in worship, prayer, and formation as we seek to deepen our relationships with God, one another, and the world.

We strive to live into these words of our mission statement:

Living God’s Word encourages us to extend the lessons of compassion and love we learn in worship and study to our daily lives.  At the conclusion of every worship service we are sent into the world to be the human face of the Good News of Jesus’ love.

Loving God’s World reminds us of our responsibility to be good stewards of God’s blessings — to work for social justice in our community, country, economy, and world – to protect and preserve the environment – and to respect the dignity and freedom of every human being.

Growing in God’s Love calls us to mature in our faith.  We know that God loves each of us where and how we are.  This is our starting point.  We are co-creators with God and share God’s transformative love.