Children's Chapel occurs during the Sunday 10:30 a.m. service. Children from about age 3 to about Grade 4 come to the service with their parents and then are dismissed for Godly Play, returning to the nave at the Peace. 

Godly Play is an invitation to make meaning through story, song, wonder, and play. Here is a little taste of a Godly Play presentation: 

Once there was someone who said such amazing things and did such wonderful things that people began to follow him. But they didn't know who he was. So one day they simply had to ask him. And he said, "I am the light."  (The Christ candle is lit).

Let's enjoy the Light. 

People who love the Light can become one with the light. Watch. 

(A candle will be lit for each child) 

(Name), this is your light.

Following the story, children will be invited to choose their own work from art and other materials in the room. The individual insight of each child is deeply respected.

Following Godly Play, children are led back into the church to experience Communion with their families.